Praline - Jack Hall Revenge - Part 1 - Version 0.3.2

Developer / Publisher: Praline
Tags: praline, adventure, big breasts, blowjob, incest, lesbian, male protagonist, milf, thriller, voyeur
Censorship: No
Language: English/French
Version: 0.3.2
OS: Win/Mac/Linux
Size: In Links.

You are Jack Hall, a young cop from Sun City fresh out of the academy. You've been through hard time. Your parents have been killed and your aunt and uncle too. You have choose to go overseas in an army unit. After 5 years you're back in town seeking revenge.

Advance the story line until the end of the first cliffhanger
Add the first week-end in aunt house
Some correction (typo and mistake)
Begin of translation in french
73 images added in this version

L'histoire continue jusqu'au premier cliffhanger
Ajout du premier week-end chez la tante
Désormais le jeu est traduit en français tout du moins en partie, la suite et fin ce sera sur la prochaine version
Ajout de 73 images


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